Bellingham, WA Neighborhoods
Alabama Hill Located on Bellingham’s east side, Alabama Hill is on a west-facing slope, providing excellent bay, city, and sunset views. Access to downtown is quick, by car, however, bike commuting to and from Alabama Hill may prove more challenging, depending on how far up the hill you live. Railroad …

Whatcom County Landscape Company First in State to Earn Industry Accreditation
For Immediate Release Contact: Chrystal Doucette Phone: 360-255-7312 Email: chrystal@ethoseo.com FERNDALE – For 17 years, Ferndale resident David Arnold has been knee-deep in the landscaping industry, managing projects for private homes, apartment complexes, and shopping centers. This year, Arnold’s hard work as president of Corion Landscape Management was recognized as …

Free Business Workshop Aims to Grow Whatcom County Economy
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 9/25/2018 Chrystal Doucette Ethoseo Marketing (360) 255-7312 chrystal@ethoseo.com Webinar Offers Local Companies Digital Age Marketing Tips Bellingham, WA: Whatcom County businesses looking to generate sales using digital ads this holiday season are invited to a free educational workshop. The educational event, called, “Drive a Holiday Shopping Rush …

Team Changes At Sustainable Connections
(Press Release) Bellingham, WA, May 4, 2015 – Sustainable Connections is pleased to announce two new personnel changes: Sam Gearhart was hired as the team’s new Development Manager and Jeff Aslan will be transitioning into the organization’s Energy Program Manager. As Development Manager, Sam will work closely with program managers, …

Local Hypnotherapist Featured In National Guild Of Hypnotists Spotlight
(Press Release) Bellingham, WA, May 1, 2015 – Erika Flint, a local hypnosis expert who runs Cascade Hypnosis Center in Bellingham, has been chosen as featured hypnotist on the National Guild of Hypnotists (NGH) website. The distinction was given in advance of her upcoming participation in the 2015 NGH Convention, …

Bellingham Plant Sale Fundraiser Supports Education For Local Farmers
(Press Release) Bellingham, WA, April 17, 2015 – It’s the time of year for readying garden beds, planting seeds and starts. Sustainable Connections has just announced that the ever popular Cascade Cuts Plant Sale is back again this year. The wholesale nursery opens its doors to the public just one …

Bellingham To Host Main Street Conference in May
If there’s one thing that Bellingham can proud of, it’s our downtown. A walkable, shoppable, center of commerce seems like the perfect place to host a conference about downtown revitalization, historic preservation, architecture and economic development. That was likely in the minds of the organizers of RevitalizeWA when they chose …

Bellingham Farmers Market New Vendors For 2015
April 4th will see the return of the Bellingham Farmers Market, a longstanding Saturday tradition that draws shoppers and vendors from all across the region. The Market has been in operation since 1993, and has grown quite a bit since then. Originally starting in June, the Market now runs from …

Sustainable Connections Announces New Tools for Finding Local Food
(Press Release) Bellingham, WA, March 25, 2014 –Sustainable Connections announces the release of the 2015 Whatcom Food & Farm Finder. Available on the opening day of the Bellingham Farmers Market on April 4 at Depot Market Square, the guide is produced and published by Sustainable Connections. It is available for …

Engage Bellingham: The City Wants Your Feedback!
How would you like the opportunity to connect, communicate, and collaborate with the city’s civic leaders about the future of our community? The City of Bellingham’s newest website, Engage Bellingham, is designed to help you do just that. Announced on Friday, Engage Bellingham allows local residents to answer questions and …